Over the years, we have presented various aspects on the formulation, physical models, applications and use of our CFD codes. Presentation slides are available for download. Some slides contain user input tips, but please note that the finer details of user input may change over time. These slides are not updated, but rather serve as historical record of activities. Instead, check the User Guides and Reference Manuals for the definitive user input.
Direct Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Reacting Mixing Layers 18 Apr 2024
NNG’s presentation at the 3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science and Technology, presented in Busan, South Korea in April of 2024. It describes the problem of modelling turbulent combustion flows in CFD, and proposes uses Direct Numerical Simulation to develop new models are designed for highly compressible flows. The presentation focuses mainly on developing the hybrid numerical schemes needed for supersonic DNS, and shows some preliminary results from a reacting, 3D, supersonic mixing layer. -
A Tutorial Guide to the Simulation of Hypersonic Flows with Eilmer 29 Mar 2024
RJG’s workshop/lecture given at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics as part of the VKI LS and STO LS AVT-358: Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods for Hypersonic Flows. The presentation covered an overview and brief history of Eilmer and then the majority of time was spent on walking through three examples of Eilmer use. This was the first public demonstration of Eilmer 5.0. The accompanying lecture notes are also available. -
Reflected Shock Tunnel Analysis for Experimenters, 15 Feb 2024
Initially planned for the T4 operator’s meeting, NNG presented these slides at the CfH seminar on the 15th of February to a general audience. They contain information about the GDTk tools that are used to postprocess Reflected Shock Tunnel Experiments, including how they work and which ones to use in different circumstances. -
k-omega Turbulence Model: Shock Unsteadiness Modification, 18 Jan 2024
Volker Hanneman (of DLR and visitor to the compressible flow CFD group) presented at the CfH seminar on his work using the Sinha model to account for the presence of shocks when treating turbulent production terms in the k-omega model. Volker had trialled his ideas in Eilmer. This seminar presents some background and the results.
The Eilmer Performance and Optimisation Patch, 16 Nov 2023
NNG’s CfH seminar about code speed and optimising Eilmer. -
HPCD-CFD Lecture 14: CFD for Hypersonics, 09 Nov Sep 2023
RJG’s lecture on CFD for hypersonics given as part of the High-performance Computing and Data in Computational Fluid Dynamics graduate-level course. -
A Preview of Eilmer 5, 28 Sep 2023
RJG’s CfH seminar giving a preview on Eilmer 5. The discussion covers the motivation for a new release, what to expect and when to expect it. -
HPCD-CFD Lecture 4: Temporal Discretisation, 07 Sep 2023
RJG’s lecture on temporal discretisation given as part of the High-performance Computing and Data in Computational Fluid Dynamics graduate-level course. -
Playing Chicken with compressible flows: Re-implementing the core of Eilmer’s transient-flow solver in CUDA, 08 June 2023
PJ’s CfH seminar on experimenting with GPUs. It appears that our core gas-dynamic calculations run nicely on GPU hardware. -
The Development of Open-source Gasdynamic Simulation Tools at the Centre for Hypersonics, 18 May 2023
NNG’s presentation at the 2023 Queensland Research Software Developers Forum, presented at the Global Change Building, St. Lucia campus on Thursday the 18th of May, 2023. It contains an extremely brief rundown of what GDTk is and who is working on it, intended for a non-hypersonics audience of research programmers. -
Walsh Functions for Shock Tracking and their Application to Expansion Tube Simulations, 27 January 2023
JOB’s presentation of AIAA Paper 2023-2631 at AIAA SciTech conference in 2023 at National Harbor, MD. Authors: Border and Gollan. -
Application of a Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov Method to the Simulation of Hypersonic Flows, 27 January 2023
RJG’s presentation of AIAA Paper 2023-2295 at AIAA SciTech conference in 2023 at National Harbor, MD. Authors: Damm, Gibbons, Jacobs and Gollan. -
Simulation of Multiple Instabilities in the Entropy Layer over a Hypersonic Blunt Cone, 24 January 2023
LW’s presentation of AIAA Paper 2023-0474 at AIAA SciTech conference in 2023 at National Harbor, MD. Authors: Whyborn, Gollan and Jacobs. -
Trajectory-based Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation of the BoLT-II Flight Experiment, 23 January 2023
KAD’s presentation of AIAA Paper 2023-0292 at AIAA SciTech conference in 2023 at National Harbor, MD. Authors: Damm, Curran, Gollan and Veeraragavan.
A 10-minute Introduction to Eilmer, 1 November 2022
NNG’s lightning fast introduction talk to all things Eilmer, given at UNSW ADFA Canberra on Tuesday the 1st of November. Nick describes the history of the code, it’s current status, and a handful example simulations including Fire II, Kyle’s optimsation work, and the 3D RANS of BoLT-II. -
Eilmer Steady-State Accelerator: investigation of implicit schemes, 11 August 2022
KAD’s CfH seminar on recent developments in the steady-state accelerators. This talk compares the Newton-Krylov accelerator to several defect-correction type implicit schemes: diagonal, Jacobi and Symmetric Gauss-Seidel. -
Introduction to Eilmer: a multi-physics hypersonic flow solver, 20 May 2022
KAD’s talk to visitors from the University of Michigan giving an introduction to Eilmer. Our local Eilmer CFD group was present also at the afternoon of talks. -
Simulations of Electron Transpiration Cooling with Eilmer, 17 May 2022
NNG’s talk to visitors from US Lockheed Martin Space and LMA about modelling and simulation of electron transpiration cooling. The talk covers recent capability developments in Eilmer and how these are being applied to simulate the ETC effect. -
Computational Hypersonics @ UQ: in-house development and application, 17 May 2022
RJG’s talk to visitors from US Lockheed Martin Space and LMA about UQ’s in-house developed computational hypersonics simulation capabilities. -
There and Back Again: a Heat Transfer Tale, 21 April 2022.
RJG’s CfH seminar on recent and not-so-recent code developments that have enabled the reliable estimation of heat transfer to blunt bodies in a high-temperature shock layer. This talk has a primary focus on the multi-temperature nonequilibrium models, and a secondary focus on the supporting developments, including an update on the N-K accelerator. -
The Gas Dynamic Tool Kit - March of the Puffin, 10 March 2022.
PJ’s CfH seminar on a (relatively) simple space-marching calculator for steady inviscid supersonic flow.
Modelling of multi-physics hypersonic flows with Eilmer, 25 November, 2021.
RJG’s 7-minute presentation at the 3rd Franco-Australian Symposium on High Enthalpy and Reacting Flows. This talk covered some recent happenings in Eilmer development and application. As highlights, the talk focused on the super-time-stepping for accelerating CHT simulations, and the work on quantifying electron transpiration cooling effectiveness on a velocity-altitude flight map. -
Aerodynamically Driven Moving Mesh Simulations, 25 November 2021.
Fabian Zander’s presentation on using Eilmer to simulate a flying cube in the TUSQ light, isentropic compression tunnel. This example shows how to couple the rigid-body motion of the cube with the impinging gas flow. It makes use of the moving-mesh features of the code, in combination with the run-time loads function and the user-pad array for data exchange. Note that the PDF file contains animations and is best viewed in the Okular document viewer. Each animation will start when you first move onto its page. -
q1dcfd: A fast dynamic simulation framework for axially-dominated thermofluid systems, 16 September 2021.
Viv Bone and Andrew Lock presented their quasi-one-dimensional flow simulation code and provide an example of modelling the dynamics of a supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle responding to large changes in load. They also discuss their approach to identifying features for the heat-transfer correlations that are used within the simulation code. This approach, which involves of a systematic application of the Buckingham pi theorem and a sparse regression technique (LASSO), could also be used to develop accurate and interpretable correlations for other physical processes (not only heat transfer). -
A Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Hypersonic Flows: Performance Demonstration and Application, 22 July 2021.
KAD seminar on the Newton-Krylov accelerator. The talk briefly introduces the Newton-Krylov accelerator and demonstrates the solver’s performance on some standard test cases. Two large-scale applications are also presented. -
Simulating Re-entry Flows with Eilmer 4, 21 July 2021.
NNG seminar on performing hypervelocity simulations of blunt bodies with Eilmer. Focuses on the new steady state solver, using an example calculation from the Electron Transpiration Cooling project. -
An Introduction to Pitot3, 08 July 2021.
CMJ seminar on the Pitot3 code for estimating operating conditions in impulse facilities. Chris tells the story of the code development and describes how the code works. The latest version (3) is introduced, with examples showing how to drive it. -
Simulations of Electron Transpiration Cooling with Eilmer4, 13 May 2021.
NNG seminar discussing progress on modelling and simulation of electron transpiration cooling in Eilmer4. Updates presented include: multi-component species diffusion including ionised species (and ambipolar diffusion correction); generalised vibrational/electronic energy exchange; and catalytic wall boundary conditions. -
Eilmer4 Steady-state Accelerator: Progress update, 06 May 2021.
KAD seminar on the capability improvements for the Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov accelerator. Seminar discusses: development history; improvements since 2017 (see RJG seminar); and several test cases. -
Towards an Eilmer Four Point Zero Release, 21 January 2021.
RJG seminar to the Centre for Hypersonics research group about the plans for a fixed release of Eilmer in early 2021. The talk captures the motivation behind a fixed release model, what Eilmer 4.0 will include, and discusses progress to date towards that release.
- Calculation of Test Flow Conditions for Reflected-Shock Tunnels, 03 December 2020.
PAJ seminar to the Centre for Hypersonics research group on a couple of ways to estimate test flow conditions in reflected shock tunnels. The first uses Eilmer to do an axisymmetric simulation of the nozzle expansion and the second is a simpler quasi-one-dimensional calculation. Both make use of the finite-rate chemistry module.
Estimating parallel compute performance for Eilmer simulations, 03 October 2019.
RJG seminar to the Centre for Hypersonics research group on estimating parallel performance in the context of Eilmer simulations. The presentation also includes discussion of the available load-balancing techniques and examples of their use. A simple method of timing tests is presented that can be used to give a quick assessment of parallel performance. -
Progress of the Eilmer 4 transient flow solvers, 29 August 2019.
PAJ seminar to the Centre for Hypersonics research group, with some discussion on MPI, complex numbers, one-sided flux calculator and moving grids, complex 2D grids and an oscillating-jet injector simulation.
User-defined Run-time Customisation for Eilmer Simulations, 19 July 2018.
RJG seminar on user-defined customisation in Eilmer to the Centre for Hypersonics at The University of Queensland. -
Eilmer 4.0: A toolkit for doing gas-dynamic calculations, 5 July 2018.
PAJ seminar on applications of Eilmer for gas dynamics to the Centre for Hypersonics at The University of Queensland. Includes some discussion on running MPI jobs, a state-to-state Brayton cycle calculation, the rebuild of Poshax as a Lua script, and simulation of the X3R with the step in its shock tube. -
Computational Hypersonics Research at The University of Queensland, 8 June 2018.
RJG seminar presented to Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow -
Compressible flow short course at National University of Singapore, Day 1, 9 May 2018
Compressible flow short course at National University of Singapore, Day 2, 10 May 2018
RJG presented a 2-day short course on compressible flow CFD using Eilmer at the National University of Singapore.
Eilmer4: A tool for analysing hypersonic flows, Prepared April 2017, presented June 2017.
PAJ seminar on the story of Eilmer, going back to the ICASE days. On the technical side, we look at the GasModel and ThermochemicalReactor classes in Eilmer4. Example based on the Powers and Aslam oblique detonation wave problem. -
A Matrix-free Steady-state Solver for Eilmer4, 06 April 2017.
RJG seminar on the work-to-date on a Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov accelerator for steady-state flows. Demonstration cases include: Mach 1.5 flow over a 6-deg wedge; Mach 10 flow over; Mach 4 laminar flow over a flat plate; and 3D case of a manufactured solution.
Eilmer4: the next step in the UQ simulation codes for high-enthalpy flows, December 2016.
PAJ presentation to the Osney Hypersonics Symposium of the Eilmer4 code development. A little bit on shared-memory parallelism. Example of the sphere heat-transfer again. -
Eilmer4: A Computational Tool for High-Enthalpy Flow Simulation, September 2016.
PAJ presentation to the Franco-Australian Symposium in Paris. Example of stagnation-point heating of a sphere, with the shock-fitting procedure in action. -
Implementation of a compressible-flow simulation code in the D programming language, May 2016.
PAJ seminar on the development of the Eilmer4 code over the past year. Some history (for motivation), formulation and code structure to take advantage of easy shared-memory parallelism in D. Example of sharp-nosed body to show input script format. Parallel performance of the forward-facing step revisited. Blunt-nosed cone for a real hypersonics application. -
The Case for Open Source in Research and what we’re doing in Eilmer, 10 March 2016.
RJG seminar in the Centre for Hypersonics seminar series. This talk makes a case for the use of open source codes in research and then links that to the efforts to support reproducible research when using Eilmer.
Implementation of a compressible-flow simulation code in the D programming language, November 2015.
PAJ talk at The 2nd Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, held at QUT, was the first real showing of the Eilmer4 code outside of the Centre for Hypersonics. A bit of history of the codes, finite-volume formulation, structure of the new code and a couple of examples. The Zucrow and Hoffman sharp-nosed projectile example is shown in reasonable detail so the the sections of the scripted input file can be described. -
Eilmer4: What’s happening?, May 2015.
PAJ seminar to Centre for Hypersonics research group on development of Eilmer4, one year in. An overview of the finite-volume formulation and code structure. Some history of the Eilmer series of codes to motivate the recent development in D. Example of sharp-nosed body to show input script format. Parallel performance of the forward-facing step.
- Eilmer3: a CFD code and its validation (A quarter of a century spent “doing sums”.), June 2014.
PAJ seminar to Centre for Hypersonics research group on the story of the Eilmer simulation code. A potted history of our CFD tools for compressible flow. Some stats on the code itself. Verification and validation exercises: sharp-nosed projectile, sphere in non-reacting flow, Imperial College convex ramp and CUBRC cylinder with flare. Code features for turbomachinery calculations. Now, let’s build Eilmer4 in D.