Undergraduate Projects

Development/application of Eilmer4

Alexander Braiden, 2016: Computational Study of Earth Re-entry Flows. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Rowan Gollan]

Heather Muir, 2016: An Unstructured Mesh Generation Code for Eilmer4. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Peter Jacobs]

Jonathan Ho, 2015: Simulation of Dense Gas Flows in Computational Fluid Dynamics. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Peter Jacobs]

Development/application of Eilmer3

Charles McMahon, 2016: Non-equilibrium Gas Effects in the Flow about Hypersonic Vehicles. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Rowan Gollan]

Matthew Trudigan, 2016: Simualtion of moving flap in Eilmer 3. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Ingo Jahn]

Alex Ward, 2016: Parametric Grid Generation for SPARTAN. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Ingo Jahn]

Justin Beri, 2015: Development of a Solid Solver for Tightly Coupled Conjugate Heat Transfer. Undergradudate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Anand Veeraragavan]

James Burgess, 2015: CFD Study of a Fast Opening Valve as a Film Diaphragm Replacement for Expansion Tubes. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by David Gildfind]

Kyle Damm, 2015: Using GPUs to Reduce Wall-Clock Times of Reacting Flow Simulations. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Anand Veeraragavan]

Lachlan Davies, 2015: Simulation of Radiating Hypersonic Flows. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Rowan Gollan]

Douglas Irvine, 2015: Numerical Investigation of a Cone Pressure Probe in Hypersonic Flows. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Rowan Gollan]

Andrew Williams, 2015: Simulation of Pitching Aerofoil in Hypersonic Flow. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Ingo Jahn]

Lamboo, S., 2015: Grid importing for CFD simulations of turbomachines. University of Twente Internship Report.

Samuel Stennet, 2014: The Validation of the k-w Turbulence Model for 3D Test Cases. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Wilson Chan]

Campmans, G.H.P., 2013: Validating dense-gas models recently added to the Computational Fluid Dynamics code Eilmer3 at University of Queensland. University of Twente Thesis.

Zachary Denman, 2013: Modelling Heat Recirculation in Micro-Combustors Using Eilmer3. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Peter Jacobs and Anand Veeraragavan]

Antonia Flocco, 2013: Optimising Porthole Geometry for Maximum Jet Strength. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Ingo Jahn]

Nicholas Gibbons, 2013: Computational Fluid Dynamics of Free-Piston Motion in Superorbital Expansion Tubes using the Ghost Fluid Method. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Vincent Wheatley]

Andrew Jensen, 2013: Parallel Plate Microcombustion Simulations Using Eilmer3. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Engineering, The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Anand Veeraragavan]

Peter Blyton, 2011: Development of CFD Capability for the Optimisation of Radial-inflow Turbine Geometry B.Sc Thesis, School of Engineering, The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Peter Jacobs]

Nathan Belgrove, 2010: Development of CFD capability for the calculation of compressible flow in complex three-dimensional geometries. B.A. Thesis, School of Engineering, The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Peter Jacobs]

Brian Cook, 2010: Compressible-flow CFD exercise book for beginners in hypersonic flow analysis. B.Sc Thesis, School of Engineering, The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Peter Jacobs]

Development/application of L1d3

Aaliya Doolabh, 2016: Slow opening valve for L1d3. Undergraduate Thesis. School of Mechanical & Mining Engineering. The University of Queensland. [Supervised by Ingo Jahn]