
Routines to transform between canvas coordinates and world coordinates.

proc setXYRanges { {xmin 0.0} {ymin 0.0} {xmax 1.2} {ymax 1.0} } {

Set the ranges (in world units) for the x- and y-coordinates.

proc setXYScales { } {

Sets the world->canvas scales so that the full range will fit on the canvas with a few pixels to spare.

proc setXYTics { {dx 0.2} {dy 0.2} } {

Set the tic-mark spacing for the x- and y-coordinates.

proc canvasX { worldX } {

proc canvasY { worldY } {

proc worldX { canvasX } {

proc worldY { canvasY } {

Extracted by doctcl.awk Mon Aug 09 23:56:05 EST 2004