
Routines to initialize and close the display canvas and to render the nodes onto the canvas.

proc initDisplay {} {

The main window contains a display (canvas), a couple of scroll bars for that canvas and a status/hints line below the display.
This procedure also sets the bindings for the canvas so that left-clicking a node will select it and right-clicking a node will display its properties in a dialogue window.

proc closeDisplay {} {

proc showStatusMsg { msg } {

proc displayCoordinates { vportX vportY } {

proc eraseCursors {} {

proc plotAxes {} {

proc eraseAxes {} {

proc plotWalls {} {

proc eraseWalls {} {

proc coordinatesAreBad { x y } {

proc plotMesh {} {

proc eraseMesh {} {

proc refreshDisplay {} {

proc pickSomething { vportX vportY } {

proc startZoomWindow {} {

proc findNodeBoundingBox {} {

proc selectNode { vportX vportY } {

proc selectNodeDialog { listOfNodes } {

proc recolourNode { nid } {

proc plotPSFile { filename } {

Extracted by doctcl.awk Mon Aug 09 23:56:05 EST 2004