
Tcl part of the IMOC kernel.

proc LoadIMOCKernel {} {

Loads the MOC computational kernel as an extension to the Tcl interpreter.

proc SetGamma { { gamma 1.4 } } {

Is a wrapper for SetGamma_C()

proc SetAxiFlag { { axi_flag 0 } } {

Is a wrapper for SetAxiFlag_C()

proc SetDebugLevel { { dbg_level 0 } } {

Is a wrapper for SetDebugLevel_C()

proc GetNodeData { id args } {

Gets all of the data values for a specified node.

id : Node index
args : names of the requested fields

(1) an empty string if the node doesn't exist OR
(2) All field names and values if args is empty OR
(3) The specific fields requested in name-value pairs.

The returned string is suitable for sending to SetNodeData so long as a suitable argument list is built from it and eval is used to concatenate the arguments into a single list.

proc SetNodeData { id args } {

Gets the data values for a specified node.

id : Node index
args : a list of names of the fields and values to be set
These data are assumed to be in field-value pairs.

0 if all was OK
-1 on failure

proc GetNodeDataValue { id field } {

Gets the data for one particular field.

proc DeleteAll {} {

Deletes all nodes and walls. (Effectively starting anew.)

Extracted by doctcl.awk Mon Aug 09 23:56:05 EST 2004