
\file moc_bezier.c * \ingroup imoc * \brief Functions for handling Bezier curves of third order. * * These routines provide support for Bezier curves in three * dimensions. Common uses are CAD and font outlines. * The IMOC user should not need to call these procedures directly. * * \author PA Jacobs * 38 Ellington St * Ekibin, Qld 4121 * AUSTRALIA * * \verbatim * Version... * ------- * 1.0 : basic routines for third-order curves * 1.1 : 06-nov-92 : full function prototypes * 1.2 : 15-nov-92 : trap underflow in eval_bezier_3_poly() * 1.3 : 18-nov-92 : fix the polyline evaluation routine so that the * t_star array is never addressed incorrectly * (when we have only one segment in the polyline) * 1.4 : 22-Jan-93 : add slope calculation deriv_bezier_3() * 1.5 : 25-May-93 : Changed location_3D to point_3D. * 2.0 : 21-Feb-95 : Added N-degree Bezier curves * 2.1 : 11-Mar-95 : Compute the length of the Bezier segments by evaluating * points along the segment (rather than summing the control * point segments). * 2.2 : 05-Jul-98 : Cubic spline added. * 3.0 : 04-Jan-2000 : adapted for use in I-MOC program. * Added n_max to the Bezier polyline and allowed the * number of segments to be less than that originally * allocated. * * References... * ---------- * Rogers and Adams (1990) * Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics. 2nd ed * McGraw Hill * * G. Farin (1990) * Curves and surfaces for computer aided Geometric design. 2nd ed * Academic Press * * Fujio Yamaguchi (1988) * Curves and surfaces in computer aided geometric design. * Springer-Verlag * \endverbatim *

Extracted by docgen.awk Mon Aug 09 23:28:59 EST 2004